Sense of well-being

Just like what I've updated in FB this morning... my God, it's already 1.13, it should be yesterday morning....that I was beginning a massive nightmare..spring cleaning...I was cleaning or more like replanting my flowers at the balcony when I noticed my neighbour from upstairs had left "Souvenirs" for me in my pots. Cigarette butts, plastic, cotton buds...and guess what? You would probably cannot amagine this...PANTY LINER...and it got stuck on my ASTRO satelite dish..What kind of person would be so disgusting? EUW..YUCK!

Don't these people have the sense of cleanliness AT ALL?? And don't they know how to live in a society? Respect others? Responsible not only for the environment but to her own dignity/ self-respect and principles?Don't get me started with people throwing litter out of their cars. It pisses me off, when people are ignorant of others around them.

I always hear people say
"The streets in Japan/ Singapore are so clean. That is their culture and how they were brought up."

"I wish we could stay abroad where the culture and lifestyle are different."

Some answered. "Japan and Singapore are able to keep their street clean because the enforcements are strict unlike us."

My own personal answer. "Instead of comparing other's culture, why don't we adapt their's in our society? Why do we only accept their fashion, lifestyle, love their movies, etc? Adapt what's right and good and leave behind the bad and wrong. Don't blame the enforcement when we ourselves are the cause. Look at yourself in the mirror. Only you can make a difference.

I taught Irfan to throw away any piece of trash in the wastebasket. At home and anywhere he sees it. And even when there are litters in our apartment's staircase. I asked him to pick it up and throw it away in a trash bin. But one day, when we brought him along to a pasar malam..(the cleanliest place on Earth):

Irfan: "Uh-oh! Siapa buat ni?" as he pointed underneath a fruit stall. We all know that people will taste the fruits before buying in a pasar malam, right? Where do they throw the peels? That's right. On the road.

The pakcik (stall owner) peeking down on the floor with innocence asked: "Kenapa Dik?"

Irfan: "Siapa buang sampah ni?"

Pakcik: "Oh, entah lah Dik. Orang ni tak sekolah agaknya."

After we've passed, the pakcik said to himself but aloud. "Bagusnya budak ni, tegur orang buat sampah."

So, how am I going to explain to my kid about throwing trash in a trash bin, while others around him doesn't seem to bother.

He might wonder. "Why should I do it, if people don't"

I love this example because it gave me a really long thought about raising my kids and setting a good example for them. How about you? There's nothing wrong with trying....

I've learnt to appreciate the things around me..people, nature, things, other's properties, etc...

I've also learnt to recycle every piece of recycled items in my home. This, have been my family's routine (my mom's & sister's). Some people just take things for granted. And prefer to "don't care".

There I was gardening and taking good care of my plants, everyday watering it, pulling out the weeds, making sure it have plenty of sunshine, water and love to survive...and what I got is trash from somebody else's..How would that make you feel? I've been picking up their trash ever since I've moved here.

*Shrug*. Well, that's how it is and will always be, I guess.


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