I am Desktop-Free!
I resume work after 5 days of leave with a lousy mood plus everyone is always in that mood on a Monday. That's why we call it the Monday Blues. It has been 4 days (yesterday) without my personal desktop at work. I don't know what went wrong. Neither did the supplier. Maybe the desktop have had a long holiday too and now it's reluctant to work.
I was restless doing nothing. I prefer to have workloads than doing nothing. Seriously! I was bored. Most of my work process highly depends on the computer, you know. So, I went jumping from workstations to borrow someone else's computer. At least to check my emails and approved a few Stock applications via online. I also did a few ad-hoc memos and been clinging on the my external hard disk every where I go. Luckily, I had everything backed-up. Work is still work. No excuses! *winks*
Workstation hopping. Thanks to Rosli, CC Normah, Azhar, Hakkam and Syasya for letting me use your computer (by force, hahaha!). Thanks to IT support for being there especially Yusri, who have been at my workstation, the 4 days .
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