Saturday, November 17th, we headed back to my hometown for my cousin's wedding. I took the kueh, my mother ordered, fetched Maya and head back. I was on my way back when I was told that my cousin's akad nikah is held that afternoon at 3.00pm. OMG!!! And I'm responsible for the kueh to be served that afternoon. OMG! I was in a lot of pressure. Plus I had nothing to wear. I only had jeans and shirt. No baju kurung. Huhuhu!
I managed to arrive at 2.00pm. Irfan cried and didn't want to go out of the car. Ikram was already in the house meddling with my relatives. When I was trying to convince Irfan to come out, Ikram came running towards the car and a few seconds after began crying like he's hurt. I didn't notice any thing serious until I found out that he was bare foot and was standing on the hot driveway. No wonder he cried. He got burns on his little feet and was shaking in pain.
I put his feet under the tap but he kept crying. I made him his milk but still he kept crying. His feet has become red. Oh my, I can imagine the pain. Even adults had to run tip toeing on that heat.
My mother recommended for us to head back to my grandma's house to put on her Melaleuca Oil. So we did what she said. Ikram cried harder when we touched his feet. He can't stand so I had to carry him every where. It took almost an hour after we have put on the Melaleuca Oil for him to cool down.
Can't walk. Only sat on Great grandpa's lazy chair. |
When he can walk again, we brought them out to play.
The boys played football while I enjoyed grandma's rambutan I plucked from the tree. |
Their father taught them to play "Kemuncup" fight. Irfan said, like in Upin Ipin. |
My mom getting the dokong from it's tree. |
Irfan showing the Kedondong. |
We made fire because there were mosquitoes. |
The kids gather dry leaves and sticks to keep the fire burning. |
"Can we burn these?" |
They sure had fun at grandma's kampung. They were sweating all over.
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