Mentally Prepared!
One of the things I've been busy these few months was my obsession to get Irfan ready for 1st Grade, next year. And to stay calm with Ikram's unnecessary tantrum which is getting worse as he grow. I have to teach him to be patient, too.
Irfan, as you've might already know, has 100% curiosity in his head. He can ask me dozens of questions before I can even answer his first. The only problem with him is that he is lazy.
My approach changed when he started getting bored. So we did activities using Logico.
Irfan, as you've might already know, has 100% curiosity in his head. He can ask me dozens of questions before I can even answer his first. The only problem with him is that he is lazy.
His evening activity with me was either Maths, Malay or English. He can answer addition and subtraction questions quite well. He can also read 80% of Malay fluently. For English, he understands what people say and laugh at jokes as well as respond as expected, but he have trouble reading in English.
I noticed one thing in him. I have to focus on him every single night without fail. If I missed one night, it's hard to get him back on track. So that was what I did. Practice and exercises everyday.
My approach changed when he started getting bored. So we did activities using Logico.

I am so nervous thinking how he'll do in First Grade next year. His safety, how he'll adapt with new friends and environment, how he'll manage his pocket money, and his studies. How will he catch up. Will he be able to focus in class. I just can't imagine. Maybe I should take leave for 2 weeks and monitor just to make sure he'll get used to the new routine. I'm going hysterical thinking about this.
Time flies so fast.....