I hate to update this because sadly I didn't get to join! It was coincidentally had to be on the same the day with my family's family day! Even though we planned my high school family day much earlier than my family's. Grrrrr!
November 29th, 2014: Day 1: Code Red!
Anyway, I did contributed because I felt so guilty! I did the invitation! And I insisted on a color theme. Red and Orange! Although some argued and disagreed, I said "I don't care! Just follow the theme!" *cruel control freak* They know me well enough and I love them!
The invitation! |
All Red Team: I insisted for them to "selfie" while I was on the way to my hometown! |
Hmmph! There were others as well. *jealous* | | |
"Hey! Why aren't some of you wearing RED? I said RED! It means RED the whole day! No matter how many times you change your clothes!" They know I would be so "control freaked", they did it on purpose to annoy me. They said they love breaking the rules (just like in High School)! Grrrrrr! *Annoyed and jealous!*
Hmphh! They had game nights!! *jealous* |
November 30th, 2014: Day 2: Code Orange!
Hmmphh! Great! Now you're finally following the rules! Wearing orange! *jealous* |
Grrrr! What?! Some of you not wearing orange?!! |
Just kidding! I felt so guilty and jealous, I just had to be grumpy! I love you guys, you know I do!
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