June 17th, 2016, MATRADE held IFTAR. It was Imelda's first event. The boys behaved at first. But after iftar they went hyperactive, somewhere. I have no idea where to, as long it was not on the stage or any where in the hall. They were probably in the kids room. Jumping, screaming their lungs out, doing cartwheels in their probably rip jubahs. I admit, I exaggerated a bit. All I know, when I fetched them from the room to go home, they were drench in sweat.
Imelda on the other hand was a sport as usual. She goes well with everyone who took her away. From one hand to the other. From one table to the other.

The food was great even though I couldn't eat in peace. My eyes and heart wandering and monitoring the kids. Nasi Arab, the main dish. Others, I can't recall because I didn't have any.
A joke: My future son/daugther-in-law. |
Yeayyyy thank you Kak Ayu..boleh bagi discount lagi nih =D