going choo choo...
We had no where to go that weekend. No plans. The kids wanted to go out. I said "No way! Not at this hour." My husband and I both hated crowd and the hassle to go through traffic and to get parking. No way! But when the kids pleaded continuously, we somehow gave in. However, we decided to take the train to save time.
Our nearest public transport is KTM at Kepong Sentral. The initial plan was to go to NU Central, where we don't have to transit and interchange.

The boys enjoyed the train ride and asked loads of questions. When we arrived in NU which was just another mall, we were bored. We hate malls too. We decided to head for some place interesting, with fantastic view and that we can linger around without spending a single cent. KLCC was the only place I could think of at that time. Because that was the nearest to the train station. The station was underground so we were free from the sun. No sweat.

Of course it was hot at the KLCC Park. At that hour. 1pm. Duh! But luck was on our side when we got there. There was a few moments of cloudy just for us to walk around and snap a few photos. Then off we go, back to KL Central for solat, lunch and a boost drink. Just in time to catch the train back to Kepong.
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