September 16th, it was Malaysia Day and Chepon's wedding! I was a surprise to hear he's getting married. I didn't hear he had a girlfriend and gotten engaged. Chepon is my husband's friend and hang out sometimes. Men nights out! Okay, I'll bear with it! ;P
The food was yummy! I wish I could have taken another plate!
The reunion: The wives of the husbands got to be camerawoman of the day! |
A photo with the bride and groom! |
Couldn't leave their PEACES! But could face other ways except for the camera *sigh* |
One of Chepon's favourite things. Superbikes. Irfan comment, "Dasyatnya!" |
Selamat pengantin Baru, Chepon and wife!
This reminds me, I haven't shop for Dayah's (my cousin) wedding in November! Oh no! Got to make a date with my mom and sisters to go shopping. I won't bring any boys along.
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