Before I threw away all the un-necessaries from my mother's attic, I did went through every thing in detail. Considering really carefully what to throw away and what should be kept for memoirs. And this, I found:
My late father was a strict man and stressed discipline in our family. I remembered being 5 and was buried with all kinds of books.On school holidays he would arrange a vocabulary list. Our homework was to read a book, underline the "unknown" word, find the meaning and write different sentences. He also made us daily schedule to follow.
The vocab schedule. |
My homework: The Essay full of mistakes. I had to re-write the whole thing until it's "mistake free". It did taught me a lesson. |
The English book I still hold on to. This was the textbook when I studied in Sayfol International School. |
A good lesson learned and unforgettable memories that taught me discipline, learning, reading and writing, which all I love.
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