A Sunday of Relax and Reading!
I had nothing to do last Sunday. I was in no mood to go out so I stayed in. Cleaning at first but by noon I was bored again. So I decided that this would be the right time to finish my dusty books. I read House Rules when I was in Singapore. It was a little bit too heavy for Sunday reading so I had to start with "When It Happens".
I read this 312 pages book in half a day. It was too irresistible to put down. Here's some review:
It's a love story. About finding the right person in your life. A soulmate. I know...I know...I'm not a teenage kid anymore but still... any girl loves a love story. Come On... You should read it. I simply love it. I'm gonna buy a new book when I get my claim for this month. There was this book I've eyeing to read.

I couldn't put it down that I couldn't write an entry last night. That's why I promised to myself and to Memoires that I'll write double tonight.
By the way, Memoires is this new application my husband downloaded for me. I asked him earlier, how should I write or jot down my notes using this HTC? He said, he forgets to download any. This is when he downloaded Memoires. I like it. I put my thoughts and notes in it.
Happy Reading! Even though I've finished reading "When It Happens", I still got lots of other books and RDA to read.
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