A tiring and rushing Saturday. I woke my boys up at 8am and get them ready. My husband have got to work this weekend. I had to leave the kids with their father at the the office while I rushed to the immigration to renew my passport. The kids were waiting for me when I got back.
Waiting at the bus stop. Luckily I got there first or else they would have taken the bus home. |
We (only me and the kids. My husband had to work until late at night) were on our way home at 11.00 am when my mother called to confirm that we're going to the wedding in Port Klang. It was Fauzan's big brother's wedding. Klang is soooo far away, it nearly made me sleep. Except that I can't because I was the one driving.
Irfan took hold of the camera. He asked people to say cheese! |
Under the hot sun escorting the bride and groom. There have been a lot of telepathy in the air, I could almost read people's mind, because I wore the theme color without even knowing it was in the first place. Yup, lots of telepathy recently. Seriously. Irfan holding the lovely Lana's hand. |
The Lovely Lana Lish! |
Ikram cried and looked all panicky with the kompang-ear-exploding-sound. He was in this position the entire event. |
We didn't have time to take a picture with the bride and groom because we haven't solah yet. Anyway, we weren't close and they would think I was wacko and weird if I insisted for a photo in the middle of their planned reception. We're sorry we couldn't wait til the end. But the food was superb. There were a variety especially desserts. The kids didn't even have time to pose with all the police vehicles. (The wedding was at a Hall in PDRM.) Come to think of it, yes, I did forget. I planned it, but I've forgotten it.
A fully uniformed day. Immigration and PDRM. What are the odds?
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