Emotion Boxing!

I admit I'm too lazy to re-write my own post in FB a few seconds ago.
Speaking of the mix feelings.
Sometimes I feel like I'm thinking too much, but when I realize that, I feel too lazy to think.
Sometimes I feel like taking leave to spend my day at home, but when I think about it, I can't, I still have lots to do.
Just now, I felt BORED and LAZY. At the same time, I felt RELIEF (because I will not be going to Sydney), but still have plenty to be WORRIED. A few seconds later, I realize I'm in a DILEMMA. Now, when I write about it I think it's HORMONE IMBALANCE. Hahaha! Any psychologist, anywhere?
"LAUGHTER is the best medicine" I have to agree and come to think of it, "WRITING is a therapy for me. (Only informal writings)" Formal/ Offical Writings is a torture for me especially today! After I wrote the post with debate going on in my head, I finally decided to keep on writing. As usual, I'll write to my favorite therapist, my blog. This is where I keep my head in an organize way (sort of). I'll write whatever I want. I don't even care if it doesn't make any sense. After a few sentences I'll begin editing/ re-writing/ re-thinking/ reorganizing my thoughts, and it'll send me back on track. After a paragraph, I can't stop writing and will start to go overboard. It's just like reading. If I start on a book, it would be impossible to put down until I'll realize it's 3am. Same goes to this habit.
Of course the number one of all the medicine and therapy is SOLAH and ZIKIR. And I think, later, I probably should be going to bed. I hope I'll wake up in a stable mood.
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