Sunday morning, we were invited for breakfast at Che Sah's house. She prepared so much. Nasi Kerabu (with fried chicken, fried fish and roasted beef), Fried Rice, Roti Canai, Roti Telor, Popiah and don't mention the kueh2 that filled every space of the dining table.
That little lady has become the center of attention. |
Family portrait. |
We had to rush back to our homestay because the men had to help out the wedding preparation.
And at night the kids played wedding of the year. It was still raining non-stop. We kept getting wet feet and pants. But the night was cool. No fan or aircond needed. Water has started to rise at the yard. It's gonna be difficult to cook and
gotong-royong outdoors on the day of the wedding.
Check out the identical pyjamas. Nenek bought it for her grandsons. Fahri had one too but he didn't want to join the group. |
What? The new pair? |
These two together, AGAIN? |
Aishah has got a sweet smile and loves getting her picture taken. The boys were forced to pose. |
The tagline on the pyjamas really suit them well. "Here I go!...... bringing chaos with me." |
The boys kept getting into fights between them recently. They can't even touch and bump accidentally. One of them might hit the other back.
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