Miss Gloomy!
Last week have been quite gloomy as a whole. Plenty have been going on and some I still have trouble overcoming.
Monday: It was Chinese New Year and it was a public holiday. We had no plans at all. So we stayed at home. It was not only a movie night for me that Monday but it was a whole day drama. Due to the curfew, I spent my day watching 18 episodes of Korean drama! The drama called "Can't Lose" was hilarious and a real life experience for most married couples. But in this story, both party can't lose to one another. Both were too competitive. Duh! Of course! Because both of them were lawyers. Who can argue with lawyers?
Tuesday: Another day of CNY public holiday. And me and the kids were beginning to feel restless. Why wouldn't we? It has been almost 4 days at home. I spent my morning cleaning the kitchen and the fridge really thoroughly. I trashed almost everything. I made a complete 3 basic meals for the boys. Due to my time in the kitchen and trashing 50% of its contents (expired contents), I need to restore it back. It was time to go grocery shopping. It was a perfect timing. We needed the fresh air anyway. I brought the kids to Tesco some of the convenient places for my family. What we look for in a shopping place:
1) Kid's play ground. Tesco Kepong had the Ocean Playland which cost RM10 per entry. The kids was so free and safe running around. Or else the aisle could have been the play ground.
2) Common food. Tesco got various choices from fast food to food court. But not that various compared to any other giant shopping malls. It was okay and fulfilled our demand.
3) Being Tesco of course the most important, the convenient store. I could buy everything there. But most important which I cannot get anywhere else as convenient as this place, is the kid's PIGEON Y cross cut wide neck bottle nipple. I haven't found any other hypermarket that sells it. It was so annoying when I have to shop for groceries at one place and had to drop by a different place for the it. Before this, the only place we would go for pacifier is at Jusco. They never fail to have the stock.
4) Variety stores. Besides Tesco itself, there are various other stores to shop. I love the shoes at this one shop. I never knew the shop name. Some others which became my stop, there's a Popular bookstore, Cosway, and loads more. There's Fitness Celebrity, Subway, Chat Time and MBO cinema. It's a blast to spend time shopping without having traffic, parking difficulties and a large crowd. It's just nice.
Wow! I can't believe I just did a review of Tesco Kepong. I would really appreciate some credit. *blushing*
That night, Game Night! I just spent time running around the bush. It's not a game, okay! I ran around the bush with my inner self looking for another Korean drama. You see, I can't start watching Korean drama. I'll get too obsessed and anxious for more.
Wednesday: Started working after the long weekend. But most people were still on leave. My ladies night that night was just relaxing. No home made cosmetics. I bought a few body shaping creams. It was so soothing when it got hot on my tummy. It was like doing confinement treatment like bertunku.
1) Syed Sahibul went to arrange for the van jenazah to Perak;
2) The office for death certificate and permit to bury;
3) KM and Azhar went to the Police Station to make a report.
4) Mandikan jenazah
5) Solat jenazah
6) The van jenazah arrived to take to Perak
7) The MPV with Arwah's family to Perak
8) The bus for our officemates to Perak
In the afternoon, I got a text from Lynn saying she delivered a baby girl in Pahang. Alhamdulillah. I conveyed the message to my Whatsapp group.
At night, I read 365 ways to Live Happy.
Saturday: We stayed home. Did laundry. I cleaned the house. Cleaned the toilets to be exact. We have our Sambutan Maulidur Rasul at the mosque. With a really respectful speaker, Ustaz Azhar Idrus. The event was held from 3 pm to 11 pm. My sis in law came over. So did Hilda. My husband, SIL's husband and Hilda (with family) went. While the rest of us with the kids stayed at my house. Oh yeah, I sent my representatives (yeah, right) to visit Lynn at the hospital. Thanks Ida and Helmi.
Sunday: In the morning I made my home made spa treatment. Aloe Vera cleanser.
Later, the kids wanted to go out. So we went to Tesco AGAIN. It's gonna get boring soon if we go there every week. We had lunch and the kids played. We dropped by TSB to buy a ladder. I also bought a two-way tap to replace the broken one in the guest bathroom. When I was there, Coway called to come for their monthly service. My husband installed the tap when we got home while Coway did their service. By the time everything was done, I got a text from Suzy to jog but instead we had a drink that afternoon while the husbands and kids went to the pool. Suzy seemed stress so we had a chat. It was an hour therapy so we couldn't chat much. We should do this more often,
Monday: It was Chinese New Year and it was a public holiday. We had no plans at all. So we stayed at home. It was not only a movie night for me that Monday but it was a whole day drama. Due to the curfew, I spent my day watching 18 episodes of Korean drama! The drama called "Can't Lose" was hilarious and a real life experience for most married couples. But in this story, both party can't lose to one another. Both were too competitive. Duh! Of course! Because both of them were lawyers. Who can argue with lawyers?

Tuesday: Another day of CNY public holiday. And me and the kids were beginning to feel restless. Why wouldn't we? It has been almost 4 days at home. I spent my morning cleaning the kitchen and the fridge really thoroughly. I trashed almost everything. I made a complete 3 basic meals for the boys. Due to my time in the kitchen and trashing 50% of its contents (expired contents), I need to restore it back. It was time to go grocery shopping. It was a perfect timing. We needed the fresh air anyway. I brought the kids to Tesco some of the convenient places for my family. What we look for in a shopping place:
1) Kid's play ground. Tesco Kepong had the Ocean Playland which cost RM10 per entry. The kids was so free and safe running around. Or else the aisle could have been the play ground.

2) Common food. Tesco got various choices from fast food to food court. But not that various compared to any other giant shopping malls. It was okay and fulfilled our demand.
3) Being Tesco of course the most important, the convenient store. I could buy everything there. But most important which I cannot get anywhere else as convenient as this place, is the kid's PIGEON Y cross cut wide neck bottle nipple. I haven't found any other hypermarket that sells it. It was so annoying when I have to shop for groceries at one place and had to drop by a different place for the it. Before this, the only place we would go for pacifier is at Jusco. They never fail to have the stock.
4) Variety stores. Besides Tesco itself, there are various other stores to shop. I love the shoes at this one shop. I never knew the shop name. Some others which became my stop, there's a Popular bookstore, Cosway, and loads more. There's Fitness Celebrity, Subway, Chat Time and MBO cinema. It's a blast to spend time shopping without having traffic, parking difficulties and a large crowd. It's just nice.
Wow! I can't believe I just did a review of Tesco Kepong. I would really appreciate some credit. *blushing*
That night, Game Night! I just spent time running around the bush. It's not a game, okay! I ran around the bush with my inner self looking for another Korean drama. You see, I can't start watching Korean drama. I'll get too obsessed and anxious for more.
Wednesday: Started working after the long weekend. But most people were still on leave. My ladies night that night was just relaxing. No home made cosmetics. I bought a few body shaping creams. It was so soothing when it got hot on my tummy. It was like doing confinement treatment like bertunku.
Thursday: This is the day most sad and shocking news. I went to work as usual. At about 11 morning, we got a call from our clinic on the 4th Floor, to come down immediately because one of our bosses collapsed. When we got there, the doctor was doing CPR. They have also contacted the ambulance. It was so shocking to find Mr Islah there laying on the floor with the doctor doing CPR. We tried to help with whatever instructed by the doctor. One of the staff asked for Mr Islah's emergency contact. I raced back to my place to look for the detail. He put his sister as his contact. I called her up and explained. I also requested for his wife's mobile number. Unfortunately, she didn't know. I raced to HR to get the info and unfortunately there was no info as well. It was so frustrating. I rushed to the clinic to get his mobile phone. By that time, the medical team had arrived and doing CPR. I signalled my colleague nearest to him to get his phone out of his pocket. But we couldn't touch him.
I finally got the number from my Director's wife. My hands were shaking when I dailled the number. I explained what happen to her. She was also shocked and was not in the condition to drive. I promised her that we'll get someone to fetch her. The medical team were ready to take Mr Islah to the hospital after several attempt of CPR. Two of our Directors and two of my colleagues got on the ambulance to the hospital. While the rest of us arranged for everything else. Luckily I saw Shahadan (one of our pilots) there, I asked him to fetch Mr Islah's wife to the hospital while I also requested the Guarantee Letter from HR.
At our office, we were about to send an email to all about the incident, when I got a call from Azhar (the one followed in the ambulance) to arrange a contingency plan. After a few more seconds with the email and instructing for transport, I got another call from Azhar. I was informed that Mr Islah has passed away. Innalillah. I could feel my face dropped. I was shocked but couldn't make myself to cry because Azhar kept on saying to proceed with contingency plan. I just mentioned this to Amy and CC Normah. CC Normah cried but I was just saying we have to proceed with what we can. She couldn't think straight to email so I asked her and CC Deen to arrange for transport while I continued with the email from CC Normah's computer. I paused a few times because I couldn't believe I'll be sending this shocking news. Anyone reading it wouldn't probably believe it themselves. After the email, we hurried at the driveway to arrange for transport for those who wanted to go to the hospital. Meantime, I also called KM who was with Shahadan to fetch the wife. I conveyed the sadden news to him. He was speechless. And I asked them not to delay and to hurry to the hospital. I don't know what happened later. CC Normah did ask for some ladies to standby at the hospital when his wife arrived to comfort her when she'll be informed of the news.
An hour later, we were informed by the team at the hospital that the jenazah will be buried in Perak, his hometown. We had to arrange the bus there. And there was an advance team sent to Perak. We had to re-arrange the pilots. Shahadan had to take Mr Islah's wife, Abg Mus to take advance team, Razhuan to drive the bus, Zul to standby at the hospital. All the other pilots were on leave so we were quite short of manpower but thanks to these empathy people who didn't even take a short break, we managed. At 3 pm, we went to the hospital with the report from the doctor. We paid our last respect to Arwah and waited for:
1) Syed Sahibul went to arrange for the van jenazah to Perak;
2) The office for death certificate and permit to bury;
3) KM and Azhar went to the Police Station to make a report.
4) Mandikan jenazah
5) Solat jenazah
6) The van jenazah arrived to take to Perak
7) The MPV with Arwah's family to Perak
8) The bus for our officemates to Perak
When I got home, I was still shaking and couldn't sleep. I read FB for any updates from the team to Perak. They arrived Perak at 8 pm, solat jenazah and buried after Isyak. The team arrived at the office at 2 am. What shocked us was Arwah doesn't have any illness, no hypertension, no heart problems. He came to the clinic earlier for a check-up because he felt chest and neck pain. And when doctor checked, his blood pressure increased. The doctor was holding the medicine for him to take when he collapsed. They suspected stroke or heart attack.
Friday: I arrived at the office with swollen eyes and without a voice. It was gloomy. I can't get Arwah's face out of my head. I was also still in denial. It was even sadder to walk by his room and read the name on his door. I couldn't imagine having to clear his room and pack his belongings. I just can't believe someone so near and close to us was gone. All I could do was to sedekah Al-Fatihah for Arwah every time I think of him. That day, our office had Tahlil and Bacaan Yassin for Arwah. I got time-off from the clinic because I had to voice rest. I lost my voice due to the stress and because I talked too much the day before.
In the afternoon, I got a text from Lynn saying she delivered a baby girl in Pahang. Alhamdulillah. I conveyed the message to my Whatsapp group.
At night, I read 365 ways to Live Happy.

Saturday: We stayed home. Did laundry. I cleaned the house. Cleaned the toilets to be exact. We have our Sambutan Maulidur Rasul at the mosque. With a really respectful speaker, Ustaz Azhar Idrus. The event was held from 3 pm to 11 pm. My sis in law came over. So did Hilda. My husband, SIL's husband and Hilda (with family) went. While the rest of us with the kids stayed at my house. Oh yeah, I sent my representatives (yeah, right) to visit Lynn at the hospital. Thanks Ida and Helmi.

Sunday: In the morning I made my home made spa treatment. Aloe Vera cleanser.

Later, the kids wanted to go out. So we went to Tesco AGAIN. It's gonna get boring soon if we go there every week. We had lunch and the kids played. We dropped by TSB to buy a ladder. I also bought a two-way tap to replace the broken one in the guest bathroom. When I was there, Coway called to come for their monthly service. My husband installed the tap when we got home while Coway did their service. By the time everything was done, I got a text from Suzy to jog but instead we had a drink that afternoon while the husbands and kids went to the pool. Suzy seemed stress so we had a chat. It was an hour therapy so we couldn't chat much. We should do this more often,
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The kids at the pool with their fathers ONLY. |
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The mother's speaking the mind out. We're even more stress with this picture. We've got to exercise, girl. |
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