Miss Happy Ever After!
I've mentioned I started reading 365 ways to Live Happy last Friday. I finished reading it on Wednesday when I was on medical leave. And I became more energetic. I even had time to label some of my favorites.
Before reading I took the test and the review of my score is:
"You have an optimistic outlook and are generally satisfied with your life."
Some of my favorite, that by reading/ daydreaming about it made me happy:
1) Put a Picture of Yourself (as Younger, Thinner, Happier) on your desk.
2) Put a Bamboo plant in your kitchen
3) Attend at least one religious service a week.
I intend to go to the mosque weekly.
4) Invite a Friend to a spa for a hot stone massage.
5) Make sushi with friends.
I love sushi but making it??
6) Assign each family member a night to plan and cook dinner.
When can I start?? Whose turn is it to cook? It's not that I even cook now. *blushing*
7) Take ten minutes stretch break throughout the day.
8) Daydream for 20 minutes every morning.
9) Do crossword puzzles to keep brain sharp.
10) Go on a vacation every year.
11) Ask a friend to join you in a fitness program
12) Spend the afternoon at a bookstore or coffee shop.
The smell of bookstores made me overjoyed enough.
13) Become a soccer mom.
Already am but the problem is I don't have a field. I only bring the boys to the park so that they could run freely.
14) Help a child develop respect for rules and authority.
Yup, definitely. What is wrong will always be wrong. I taught my eldest son, "You have to deal with it." I love being able to teach the kids. They are always curious
15) Create happiness in my blog.
My TOP TEN to be working on:
1) Take a class to learn CPR.
2) Donate your blood Annually on your birthday.
3) Think of three topics to begin a conversation with a stranger.
4) Sign up for tennis lessons.
Already did yesterday.
5) Plan your own birthday bash. Write a notable fact for each guest on her party name tag.
6) Dress in attire, do make -up, pose or take studio photo shoots.
7) Attend Alliance Francaise or other language social club.
I'm into French and Korean.
8) Play soccer/ outdoor activities with your family. Buy a pair of rollerblades and skate your heart out. Join a rowing club.
9) Choose two days a month to play board games with your family. Play twister or musical chairs at a party.
I used to play Brit Dance on PS with my family and I missed that so much. Have got to start again.
10) Create multi-generational scrapbook.
I stopped after the second album. Have got to continue according to my routine schedule.
The thing I'm gonna do NOW, give a book to a friend to motivate or inspire her.
I was going to when I bought this and flipped through the pages. I was thinking of giving it to Suzy. I have label it that day I visited her but I forgot to bring it with me. Now, I'll just put it in her post box.
However, in my opinion, the most important to be/stay happy is that you're in good health.

Before reading I took the test and the review of my score is:
"You have an optimistic outlook and are generally satisfied with your life."
Some of my favorite, that by reading/ daydreaming about it made me happy:
1) Put a Picture of Yourself (as Younger, Thinner, Happier) on your desk.
2) Put a Bamboo plant in your kitchen
3) Attend at least one religious service a week.
I intend to go to the mosque weekly.
4) Invite a Friend to a spa for a hot stone massage.
5) Make sushi with friends.
I love sushi but making it??
6) Assign each family member a night to plan and cook dinner.
When can I start?? Whose turn is it to cook? It's not that I even cook now. *blushing*
7) Take ten minutes stretch break throughout the day.
8) Daydream for 20 minutes every morning.
9) Do crossword puzzles to keep brain sharp.
10) Go on a vacation every year.
11) Ask a friend to join you in a fitness program
12) Spend the afternoon at a bookstore or coffee shop.
The smell of bookstores made me overjoyed enough.
13) Become a soccer mom.
Already am but the problem is I don't have a field. I only bring the boys to the park so that they could run freely.
14) Help a child develop respect for rules and authority.
Yup, definitely. What is wrong will always be wrong. I taught my eldest son, "You have to deal with it." I love being able to teach the kids. They are always curious
15) Create happiness in my blog.
My TOP TEN to be working on:
1) Take a class to learn CPR.
2) Donate your blood Annually on your birthday.
3) Think of three topics to begin a conversation with a stranger.
4) Sign up for tennis lessons.
Already did yesterday.
5) Plan your own birthday bash. Write a notable fact for each guest on her party name tag.
6) Dress in attire, do make -up, pose or take studio photo shoots.
7) Attend Alliance Francaise or other language social club.
I'm into French and Korean.
8) Play soccer/ outdoor activities with your family. Buy a pair of rollerblades and skate your heart out. Join a rowing club.
9) Choose two days a month to play board games with your family. Play twister or musical chairs at a party.
I used to play Brit Dance on PS with my family and I missed that so much. Have got to start again.
10) Create multi-generational scrapbook.
I stopped after the second album. Have got to continue according to my routine schedule.
The thing I'm gonna do NOW, give a book to a friend to motivate or inspire her.
I was going to when I bought this and flipped through the pages. I was thinking of giving it to Suzy. I have label it that day I visited her but I forgot to bring it with me. Now, I'll just put it in her post box.

However, in my opinion, the most important to be/stay happy is that you're in good health.
Wah..mcm menarik buku ni..sgt inspire kamu...