It turn out to be another Thursday to get the stocks out for MIHAS 2013. I did not take a picture on Thursday because it'll probably look the same as all the other events. So I only took photos on Friday. 29th March, when we first started working like crazy. Chasing the timeline before the LogComms headed for the Hotels, and before the Foreign Buyers arrive.
We received some samples to be given to the buyers so we had to pack that in the buyer's kit as well. Luckily we had a number of crews. Loyal crews. Chaiyok!!
The GREEN bag! |
Don't forget the Directory... |
Who's gonna look CUTE in this COLOR? The PINK TIE & TUDUNG! |
The Buyer's Tag, Meeting schedule, Invitation to Networking Reception, Program, etc, etc.. according to country. |
Operating the machine while the kids were pretty BORED at the back. |
Oh no, the CHAOS! The boys showed boredom and were striking for freedom! |
It was Friday and my husband got his badminton game with his buddies. Just like other events, I had to take Angel and Wasila home. We took Wasila to her house first. Angel and I went to the badminton court where our husbands played. The kids and I waited until 11pm. My feet were aching. I had to put my feet up.
Irfan got a friend to play badminton with. |
I was surprise both the boys were still energetic even after the hours spent at the office. My feet was already close to killing me. We finally arrived home at 11 something. I was not aware of the time. My sleep was the only thing that matters.
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