Miss Subway Booster!
I have been drinking Boost Peach for every week now @ Publika. Yesterday was my 4th boost. The same flavor. PEACH! I love it!!! And I love Subway too. It's Tuna fits my diet, alright. The two of my favorite things on a Friday.

It's RM10.90 (medium size cup). For those who love yogurt, you should try it. I'm already addicted after my first try. Amy tried my first cup and loved it too. It became her favorite after that. I introduced it to Wasila and she loved it as well. Aha! You see. I got taste, man! Furthermore, it is 98% fat free.
Writing and thinking about it is mouthwatering!! *sheeesh*
Drinking it made me all BOOST UP!!
I've got to find a nearer Boost Juice Bar at my place. It would be easier if I crave for it at night. LOL!
Looking up: http://www.boostjuicebars.com.my/selangor/
There's one in Ikano Power Centre and one in One Utama? Why haven't I notice it before? Come to think of it, I haven't been to One Utama or Ikano for sooo long.
My mission: Get a FULL Card!
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