Pacesetter's Mizuno Relay 4x3 km

Sunday, 6.00 am. I was already on the road to Padang Merbok. The Pacesetters Athletic Club, Mizuno Relay 4 x 3 km. My Sis, and 2 of her colleagues were on my team. The registration fe were expensive and getting expensive by the event.

It was raining heavily the night before til the morning. I thought the race was gonna be postponed but NOOOO, it didn't so we had to drag ourselves there lazily.

 The programme. We had to rush. They were really inconsiderate when preparing this programme. What time do we have to perform Subuh when the briefing starts at 6.15 am? Anyway, we managed. We went to Masjid Negara.

We arrived at the nick of time. They were about to start. The sequent goes:
1. Im (021A)
2. Me (021B)
3. Li (021C)
4. Bait (021D)

The route was impossible. I didn't think I could go survive. Eventhough it was only 3km each but the uphills were killing me.

 Im and Bait.

Sister's passion together.
 Im and Li after the race eating cendol ice. Yum, there goes the calories.
Although we got "almost the last" place, The team got the medal for finishing the race before 9.00am.

Ok, running shoes, I'll wear you again during the "Family Run 2012" in March.


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