Undercover Kids

Oh, really I'm bored. I was expecting a really cool Sunday and giving the kids new experiences. But I ended up trapped in the house. As promised I brought the 2 to the pool yesterday. Eventhough Ikram had the flu but people say it's good to have him active because the lungs will expand.

Later, I tucked them in.

Undercover Kids, get it?

They went to bed early, so I had the time on my own. Actually not fun time, it's household chores time. The chores I hate the most is folding clothes and last night I had to do it. I kept KIVed it since the day we arrived from Pangkor..Opppss...my bad. I spent an hour folding baskets of just the kids clothes.

Late at night I finally got to finish my RDA Dec 2011 Issue and continued to the RDA Classic.


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