Lady Daydream!
Got this new site that is so ME! Apartment Therapy! The only difference that we have is, they DIY while I buy everything off the shelf. If I DIY, it'll be more like "Tikus Membaiki Labu". I will only end up spending more. So after feeling good and energetic again (it really reflect what I have done to the house except renovation), I started my list of projects. I use to do this list quite some time ago. I gave up because we seldom spend time at home. It's more like a hotel.
Just like in the site. It's January cure. And January is really the month we've spent 24 hours at home. We haven't even take a step outside. I have no idea why. This is gonna be one of my 2013 resolution. Stay at home.
With their help, we'll focus one room at a time. So I've decided the master bedroom the first. Some of the 50 things on my list of housekeeping.
1. Laminated Flooring.
2. Built-in Floor-to-ceiling Wardrobe. It's gonna take the whole stretch.
3. A large mirror and wall mounted top to replace the existing dressing table.
4. To add railing for deco. I got the decorations which I stored long ago. It's still in the box.
I've printed out my home layout. I'm visiting my Kitchen & Wardrobe Specialist next weekend. You see, there's no DIY for me. All I need is CASH!
I will also be replacing some of the "ancient" things, too:
1. The wall lamps. It's too dull and dim. It adds up to my "already" terrible eyesight.
2. The water taps in the bathrooms. It's got this annoying creaking sound.
3. All electrical switch.

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