Miss Communication!
Something just reminded me of what someone have once told me, "Written statements are often misinterpret by any one who reads it with different tone and perspectives. Some may think it's humor, some may think it's insulting or sarcasm and others may think it's a sincere heart-to-heart statement which doesn't mean any of the above." Good friends can turn into enemies with this thing called assumption. Most people take it the wrong way. Maybe she didn't mean it that way.

We often read flame wars on the Net especially on social networks. Some may think it's an opinion on freedom of speech but some may don't. To me, as long as you don't go overboard should be fine. I seldom use the word hate, I usually try to avoid but I just hate fights, wars and anything that causes conflicts. Instead of causing such thing, why don't we just talk about something fun that could strengthen out relationships? Like coordinating activities with friends, sharing of information, hobbies, passion and whatsoever.
Although we do have all the information at the tips of our fingers, nothing could compare with a face-to-face conversation (which the percentage of misinterpret can be reduced from the tone and expression).

Pictures taken from Google Image!
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