Miss Bored to the Bones!

By the way, when I usually say I'm bored is not because I have nothing to do but I have nothing INTERESTING to do. 

1) I can't go shopping because my cash has all dried up. 
2) I have no friends to talk to. They also have their own live. ;P
3) I have nothing to say to Facebook. 
4) I have nothing "out of the ordinary" happening in my life to blog about. 
5) Nothing interesting on the news. No movies (because the kids only watch Upin Ipin repeatedly).
6) Nothing quite interesting on any of my recent books. 
7) Nothing much to surf out.
8) I'm bored doing the same thing every day. 
9) I feel bored thinking I have to do it.
10) Bored doing house chores. Give me a break some times.

I've been thinking, I should get my projects going. By hook or by crook. We say, "Nak seribu daya, taknak seribu dalih.", right. Yup! Still trying hard.


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