Baking and getting fat!
Sorry again! I kept apologizing in my every post. I am way too comfortable staying home and playing a full time house wife role.
Dec 13th: Apple Pie. No picture taken. Oh man!
The GOOD thing about staying home, I got all the house chores done without waiting for the weekends. I also learnt to love baking. And baked everyday for the past 3 weeks. I even made a schedule and bought almost all the baking tools. Almost went crazy shopping at the House of Ingredients!
Dec 12th: Shepards Pie (substituted chicken instead of beef)

Dec 13th: Apple Pie. No picture taken. Oh man!
Dec 14th: Chicken slice omelette.

Dec 15th: Cinnamon Roll (Bread as substitute to dough)

Dec 16th: Tuna Pie

Dec 17th: Egg Tart

Dec 18th: Shepards Pie again (beef this time) for breakfast because my mom and Hilda came over.

Dec 19th: Glazed Chewy Brownies brought over to Mom's house. My aunt and family came to visit.

Dec 20th: Fudgy Brownies for Putrajaya. We went to Hilda's house.

Dec 21st: Fudgy Brownies again (morning for Hilma), another batch of fudgy brownies at night for a friend, Syasya and Shepards Pie for colleagues at the office.

Dec 22nd: Marble cake for Mom!

Dec 23rd: Cinnamon rolls (still bread) and mini Apple Pie.
Dec 24th: No Baking!
Dec 25th: Rainbow cake

Dec 26th: Pizza for dinner and another rainbow cake for the birthday party.

Dec 27th: Shepards Pie for the party.

Dec 28th: My husband forbids me to bake because I had cramps.
Dec 29th: Break for massage.
Dec 30th which is today. I made Apple Bread Pudding which I am enjoying right now while I'm writing.

The BAD thing is that I'm always eating and getting fat every day! Urghh!
I've decided that I will start on my Atkin Project the first day of 2016 and bake ONLY on weekends.
Meanwhile..... Bon Apetit!!!! all look yummy!!!!