The day we've been waiting for:
I took my annual leave a week before my expected delivery date (EDD: October 29th) to relax.
Left the office with several To-Do list and instructions. |
October 28th, I was trying to complete my Mandarin e-course when I felt a really mild contraction. I was wasn't sure at first but it became stronger. I waited for my husband and the kids to return home. I took a shower and check the bags. We brought the boys to my mother's house for a sleepover just in case I had to deliver that night. We went to the hospital at 11 pm. I did not deliver that night but I was asked to be admitted because the contractions were getting stronger and I was 3 cm......... Plus this was my 3rd child. They were afraid I would deliver any time.
October 29th, was my EDD but I didn't deliver that day.
October 30th, before sunrise, 5.00am I was pushed to the Labour Room. My husband got there just in time. I delivered at 5.52 am and it was a GIRL! A 3.1kg baby girl! I can't believe it. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
Were both too tired to lift our eyelashes. |
The boys visited their little sister. They were super excited and happy. |
In- Laws visited. |
We got discharged the same day. Phew! That's what worries me. Luckily this girl didn't have jaundice and the doctor said she was healthy. I was too. Alhamdulillah. We got home just before Maghrib.
At home with her Aunts and cousin Pia! |
That night, Nenek came again. |
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Irfan was the first grandchild for both families and this baby girl was the first grand daughter for my parents in law. She is going to be really spoilt as she grows. Hmph!
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