Eyelid Accident!
September is such a challenging month.
September 25th, yup the eye accident. I don't want to go into detail but Ikram was jumping and doing somersaults when he crashed into a frameless mirror! I didn't hear him cry or scream but I heard a low moan. I went to him to scold him but he was covering his eyes. I thought it was definitely in his eyes. It was heavily bleeding. I was not sure which part of his face. Yup, I carried him (with the pregnant tummy) to the sink and wash his face. I was shocked and just prayed that it wouldn't be his eyes. I was a little relieved to know that it was only his eyelid. But it was 1 cm away from his eye. Urrrgghhh! The thought itself scares me.
I told him to lie down while I took a towel to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, I called my husband who was at the mosque for Friday prayers. He rushed back and we went to the hospital. He got several stitches.
I just can't forget the way he screamed when the doctor hooked the needle. Urrrrghhh!! He kept screaming he wanted to go home. I was the one holding his hands. He hated me. He kept screaming that I didn't love him. Oh, that hurts!!

After a few hours at the hospital, we went home. He was sobbing. At home, I gave him a quick shower, because his shirt was soaked with fresh blood.
He stayed at home for a week. My husband and I took turns. We bought him whatever he wants which was chocolates, biscuits and lego.
He can't wait to go to school to show off to his friends. He said he was like Kakashi Sensei.
Okay, whatever, as long as you're happy. I owe you that much for hurting you.
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