April Mini Reunion!

Well, like I've thought. If we make it a routine it'll get boring. Can't make it a monthly occasion guys. Let reunite when we feel like it. How about that?

April issue! Bored Mamas, ME and Lela. Nana flew in from Kedah. ZeeKhan was fashionably late. 2 HOURS LATE!

At least we had focused conversation. Not a bit crazy like the last time. *giggles*

If anyone saw us, it was like Me and Lela came for counseling from the lawyer. *innocently*

*Ouch!* My back just cracked while writing. I guess I haven't written for so long that made my back not used to sitting in front of the computer at night anymore. Does that make sense? I don't know. *shrugs*

I came to Chitta Mall twice that day. For the Autism Walk-A-Thon and this April Reunion.


Ho Ho. This lady was fashionably late. She was lucky I was still there. The others already left.

The moms reading French Kids Don't Throw Food.

The counseling session!


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