All of Us: Raya Aidiladha 2013!

Raya AidilAdha fell on a Tuesday. My husband didn't take leave. Also did Hilma and husband. So we celebrated in KL at my mom's. Only Hilda went back to Machang at her in-laws. We didn't feel the Raya mood, so Hilma and I decided we should sleep at my mom's house even though we live less that 1 km away. Just to get in the mood and to help my mom cook for the season.

Wakey! Wakey! Everbody!

Nenek made rendang ayam pencen to eat with the pulut. The men bought the lemang!

The main course, laksa Penang!

A picture to wish Hilda (the only one not there)!

Eating Time!

Us at Aidiladha 2013!
 We were pretty much bored after Solat Aidiladha, eating and photoshooting. So, we did snapshots with captions and created crazy contests!

Look A-Like Contest! Hmm..Nobody won!

Listed all off Nenek's grandkids. That was fast because there was only 5.

Salam AidilAdha!


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