Doctor Scientist!

It's too early in the morning. I've just put the second batch of clothes in the washing machine. And now I'm wondering what am doing wide awake? I can't sleep. I slept early last night and at 3.00 am I was awake. I paced around the house trying to find what to do. 

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I was looking into some old pictures and came across this one. My sons love books. They especially loves encyclopedias (especially Irfan). Every time we went in a bookstore he'll straight away went to the kid's encyclopedia section. Books about, human body, bugs life, ocean life, recently about planet earth, how nature work and animal's nature.

Planet Earth

Animal's in nature!

Bug's life!

Explaining things to them.

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I once taught irfan about the human body and how brain works. How the heart supply blood to the brain etc..etc. Today, he used it as an excuse.

Me: Why are you being extremely naughty today??!!

Irfan: It's not me. It's my brain?

Me: What's wrong with your brain? *alarmed*

Irfan: I fell yesterday at the playground and wounded my knee(bleeding). That's why there's not enough blood to supply  to my brain. And that's why I couldn't think properly.

Me: huh?*#@&#*%'

I am gonna start getting a real doctor to explain things to him. It would be like a science class with his unstoppable questions. Anyway, I do feel so grateful *Alhamdulillah* because at least he has interest in reading, science, logic and the sense to learn. I wouldn't want him to stop asking questions. I would be happy to answer ALL of his questions and in that way I have to read extremely MORE!


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