Weeks of Nothing!

It has been weeks when I last wrote. I am seriously too lazy to transfer pictures from my mobile phone. Serious. Lazy. Nothing more that I can describe. Lazy!

"I just don't care" like Nara Shikamaru kinda attitude, right now!

Absolute perfect silence! It took me almost ten minutes to create this sentence. Sleepy. Eyes almost closed. Mouth hung open. My brain? Blank, of course.

If I am to say, I have nothing at ALL to do. Well, that's impossible and just plain crazy as a working mother!

I was actually busy since my kid is gonna start First Grade and the other is gonna go to kindergarten soon AND above all, only 7 more days to Year 2015. Ok, that thought made me panic for a while.

So, Bonne Nuit! (wish I could live in denial forever!)


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