3rd quarter birthday: Star Wars

We celebrated the 3rd quarter birthday without Hijaz and Faizah. AGAIN? And without Fauzan.
Last minute to throw a party. Last minute to decide on the theme. Since Irfan was the only kid to celebrate his birthday, he gets to choose the theme. He chose Star Wars

Last minute decisions.

The party to be held on a Sunday. Irfan decided on the theme on Friday.
At 9.30am on Saturday, I was already in front of Kamdar to buy materials for the costume. An hour later, I was already at Spotlight, Ikano to buy accessories for the kids. Luckily, for the decoration, I have leftover balloons.

Saturday night, I made shepard's pie. And late night I was stitching Princess Leia's bun (using yarn) onto a headband. I need to make 4 Princess Leia's headband for the girls. I only get 1 hour of sleep.

At 9.00am on Sunday, I was writing HAPPY BIRTHDAY and drawing the white soldier to stick onto the balloons.
Later, I went to my mother's to sew the Jedi costumes. Plus to make a green hat for baby Dean Daniel to become Master Yoda! Whatsapps attire to everyone: Guys wear black. Ladies wear white.

The party was at 2.00pm and everyone was forced to blow the balloons. LOL!

Me: Shepards pie
Hilda: Green Drinks
Hilma: Exception because she was working that day
Imaya: Cake and KFC
Faizah: Absent
Mama: acted surprised because we were suppose to surprise her but instead she had to sew the costumes. Hahaha!

The Jedi(s) and Princess Leia(s)!

July, August and September Babies!

The One and Only: Master Yoda!


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