Miss Birthday, Goodbye and Good Luck!

Looking back at my older post. I last wrote on 11th March. That was how many weeks ago? I can't remember much. But seeing this picture, it all comes back to me now...  14th March.

Eat! Eat! Eat!

I only remembered celebrating a farewell for Fizah Sabri whom got a better position elsewhere.

Farewell and All The Best to Fizah!

And what a coincidence, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, too!!

Why am I NOT staring at the camera?

Enjoying KFC. There's no other food, either KFC or PHD.
A two-in-one celebration. Farewell and Birthday. People kept asking whether she purposely choose the date. It's a coincidence. We hope her the best at her new workplace and new position. It was also Ida's Birthday. I wished her via Whatsapp. Too bad we couldn't hang out for a Girl's Spa Day Out!

Everything now, depends on the pictures that were taken from my phone. Everything else is a blur.

You see, the routine I've scheduled earlier this year have became TOO routine that there's nothing special to it. Even if it is special, I'll forget about it after 2-3 days max. That's why I've decided to write daily, again. But I'm not sure whether I have the time or not. Anyways, I'll try the best I can. Stay tuned.


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