Look what I found in Grandma's Attic.

Ta-da! It had brought many childhood memories. The ones and sorts of a lifetime experience.
Awe..these memory stuff is getting me teary and all..

 My old yearbook when i was in International School, Bangkok. That was in 1989 - 1993.

Awe..I missed everything there. It was really a good memory.

 First Grade: I was in Mrs. Timmon's class. She's so sweet to us.

 I'm so lucky that my pic has been chosen to put here.

 Ta-Da! That's me right there. I'm a Malaysian alright and proud to be.

 Second grade: Mrs. Brahim's class. She's also so nice.

 So funny looking.
 Third Grade: Mr. Sengel's class. And that's me working on a math problem with Fatima (Pakistan) and Karen (The Philippines). Missed them so much. Well, Karen is still in touch with me on FB. BTW, Mr. Sengel is always stressing on Maths. That's all I can remember of him.

 In our P.E uniform. Mr. Sengel was the coolest teacher in the whole world.

What sort of a haircut is that?

As much fun I have flashing back during those years, it is always a bad idea to go through stuff in Grandma's Attic. You'll spend hours and hours smiling to yourself while your kids and mom are screaming from below. Haha.

I was really lucky to get a chance to be a part of this childhood life. I don't think my kids will ever get the same experience. As much as I want them to suceed in life, I would also love if they could appreciate each and every experience they get. Enjoy it and create a journey that they could share it with their kids.

I should start planning for their extra curriculum. Art, music, third language, mental arithmetics, martial arts, sports etc..

And most important I should start saving extras for these tuition fees $$$.


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