Getting my Degree Transcript

December 30th, I had to take leave. Other than to take care of the kids (their nursery closed to move to their new building), I also went to collect my transcript. FINALLY.

So, Nenek had to babysit Ikram for 1/2 a day while Wan Su, me and Irfan went to Shah Alam to collect our transcript.

 I know I've missed my chance for convocation but so what.. without feeling a bit of embarassment, I asked for the Grad Hat, I call it. I explained that I missed the convocation and needed to just take a picture. For my pic collection and life sweetest memories.

 What do you know. Irfan also graduated. The staff said "Be like your mother."
 Excellent service. Of course, when you're the only customer.
 Excellent service, really. Keep smiling.
 Irfan, don't leave me! Please don't go to Melaka. I'm gonna miss you soooo much.
 Irfan glide through the WALL of GENIUSES! Just like you are. InsyaAllah.
 "Ok, Mama, I won't go to Melaka. But can I go to Ohio?"

 "I'm gonna be a dentist when I grow up."

 Check out this book from PTAR 1.
 Goodbye, UiTM. I'm gonna miss you. Maybe we'll be back soon for Irfan's convocation, insyaAllah, again.
Of all the places, Irfan requested to take a pic with UiTM's trailer. It reminded him of Mack from CARS.


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