SBPA have moved my cheese

Eversince I read Who moved my cheese? I've been thinking what could happen to my organization the next 5 years. Could it still be there? Could they downsize? Could they corporatize? Will I work there that long? Will I be working in the same industry?

After all these questions arose in my head, I thought of the answers and the alternatives. Shall I move? What should I do, where should I go? If I move, there's no point to go to another government agency. It would be the same. There were two things that came out:

1. Start my own business. But what kind?

2. Freelancing. I have several in mind but this option is better off started as a part time.

There's so much to learn about. So much to know.

Like it or not, I have to do something with my future and I'm still trying to figure it out.

Then, last week we were introduced with the SBPA. By the way, it may not be new to corporate bodies. It reminded me to "Who moved my cheese?"  There were quite number and type of response. If I refer to the character in "Who moved my cheese?" Some became Haw and some became Hem. Some seemed happy and some protested.

Most felt that it's a bit too harsh. The Exit Policy, I mean. Maybe it's because they are used to working at their own pace, comfortable with the position they're in and even if they don't perform, nothing changes.

But nobody really had any other options.

I personally think that it's true this new system is harsh but it's FAIR. As long as the evaluations are fair too. There will no longer be a "typical government" aka slow process, MIA staff etc. I don't think if anyone who does his/ her job will be evaluated poorly. But those who doesn't really need to be terminated. What's the use of the position if there's no function and action?

However, we need to go through it carefully and thoroughly before signing. There's no turning back once you do.

Everybody needs to have a back-up plan. Let's think of it.


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