Blood Test Result A-OK

Finally, I got the result from my blood test. *Double Phew* I have no dangerous disease. My blood's fine. All the symptoms were false alarm. Glucose under control, no kidney failure, no liver failure, no sign of gout BUT my cholesterol is above the chart. Boohoo!

 I'm O+ BTW.
From my reading and the summary my sister gave me from her new book "Eat According To Your Type..." people with O Blood type have the hardiest digestive systems. However, considered good in digesting meat, poultry and fish. *so relief to hear* But some of my favourite foods need to be taken less like white flour, corn-starch, coffee, dairy, vege soak in vinegar and oranges.

Some the options to consider are rice, sweet potato, ginger tea, rice noodles, berries, apples and pear, low fat yogurt, broccoli, peanut butter, peanuts and cheese.

O blood type group people benefit from exercises- lots of it. Aerobics, jogging and sweat it out to get rid of stress and depression is the best way.


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