Playing Dress Up!

After work today, I had to babysit my nephew Marzayyan while my mom went to pick-up my sister. So I got to control 3 kids in the car. I gave them a biscuit each. They stay quiet and nibbling. I had to carry both Marzayyan and Ikram. Some of my neighbours watched me in surprise when I carry them each in my arms. Really heavy lads.

When we got to the house, they played for a while. Ikram found his floaties and requested (in baby language) to put it on. Not only did he love it in the water, he wants to go swiming in his dreams too.

 He won't let go of his floaty.
 "Why are you crying Marzayyan? Do you want a floaty too?"
"Don't cry. Let's play dress-up, okay. That will cheer you up."

Totally not into Fashion!


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