Over Time Today

There was a relocation of a unit in MATRADE, so as one of the people handling the office assets, I had to come. My husband was involve too. So, i had to fin a babysitter. Of course there was no other choice. Nenek's house. Nenek could only take care of one grandchild at a time, so Irfan had to come along with me to work. Surprising he was handy. He helped (aka busybody) with everything.

 Peace! Guess where I am?
 Although they had to push the heavy sofa out of the basement, Irfan had cheered their day. LOL!!
 Who's helping who?
 He even wanted to the wiring and network. Looks like all the contractors are smiling because Irfan had done their work.
 Oh no, he's building a bridge out of all the wires.
 Taking a break after all the hard work.
 It's lunch time, no wonder I'm hungry. How could my mom only gave me biscuits after all that I've helped.

Irfan, I'm gonna bring you along the next time I have to work on a weekend. Thank you for making it easy to take care of you.


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