Girl's Spa Day Out!

One of the best feelings ever. It felt so comforting. The room was filled with fresh and herbal aroma. It really was a stress-free therapy. My body felt so pampered. The ache that I felt before was pulled out. The bloating were gone. I love it. Let's make it a quarterly event, huh?

I went with Ida and Liza. Ida picked me up from my house and we went straight to the spa. We couldn't wait another second.

 We went to Malacca Spa, Megan Setapak, Sri Rampai advertised in Groupon!

 The Inside. We went in a room each.

Sorry, I can't share the pampering pics. Hehe *blushing*. It sorted of looked and felt like these (copied from Google).

Our package include back massage and hot stones. The stones were not really hot like I thought it would be. It would be more relaxing if it's hotter. I couldn't really feel it in my spine. And for real, we did not have any sort of flower behind our ears.
 After the massage, we had facial treatment with Vitamin C and eye treatment. So not at all like the pic. But it felt so. At least my whiteheads and blackheads are all gone.

 After pampering.
 The package was suppose to be 2 hours but we took 3 hours. We were starving crazy.

 After we fed our tummies. *phew*
 Goodbye Gals! Let's do it again sometime okay!


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