Keropok Lekor for Lunch!

Awe, poor us. We only had keropok lekor for lunch last Friday. Thanks to Mdm Emie, for bringing it all the way from Terengganu. Yippie!!

Just what I've updated in my FB:
Enjoying the keropok without Azhar Othman! Too bad! LOL!
 Yup, that's right, just look at it, don't eat it! It's all for me!
 Showing how delicious the keropok.
 Get up lazy bum or the keropok will be gone. Into my tummy *rubbing tummy*.
That's right! The chef aka owner of the keropok lekor cafe. 

Next week's menu: The delicious and famous Tiramisu cake, okay chef? *winks* 

p.s: Azhar, make sure you'll be around this time.


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