Network Cut Down!

Is it a coincidence? Like I've said, my desktop at the office had a major network problem. It has been almost 2 weeks. Is it really that bad? Yesterday, my home desktop had network problems too. And my husband couldn't fix it. I was like "slapping my head". What is going on around me? Do I have break down karma or what?

Network cut down meaning no internet which also means no blogging. Argghh.

At the office: I'm still hopping from workstation to workstation. It has become a routine that made me ask my colleague every evening "Who's on leave tomorrow? Medical leave anyone? Please let me know so that I could plan my placement."

Everyone who came to look for me kept asking where I was so I had to put up this sign. Please find me somewhere else.
 While I was on workstation hopping, I had a little prank and mischief. Making a mess of people's desk just like it was my own.

Azhar was on leave on Monday and Tuesday, so I declared this, my place for the time being. Azhar's desk had turned upside down. A mess. Sorry but I had to finalize a report. Your desk is the only one unoccupied.
Monday: Azhar's
Tuesday: Azhar's
Wednesday: Rosli's
Thursday: Amy's
Friday: Khairy's
Furthermore, the Auditors are back! So, no fooling around. Had to get my fingers typing for reports, lists and memos etc etc. I don't care where I type as long as I type.

At home: I was bored and kept going around the house looking for something to do. Later I watched the TV which was not a routine for me. Then I joined Irfan playing games on the iPad.

Technologies has really gotten hold of our lives. People will go hay-wire without it.


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