Make-Up NOT Manly! No! No!

While the whole adult family was enjoying our dinner at my mom's kitchen, the kids were busy with their own stuff. They were suspiciously quiet that evening. Usually they'll scream, argue (we have no idea what they argue about because they have their own language), play with their own cars, built some imaginative building, and even play masak-masak, etc..etc..

We never thought they would do something this feminine..

BOYS!!! Make-up is NOT MANLY!! You can play every thing except for make-up!

The accidental model and victim.

The experience and highly colorful make-up artist!

Marzayyan followed along and ended up being the make-up artist too. No wonder they were too quiet. They were focusing on Ikram's manly face and wondering how they could make it feminine. LOL!

My husband was the first who finished dinner and realize what they were up to. When he showed us the pic, every one shot up and screamed.


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