Mother's Super Day!

Last Sunday, Suzy and I had the best of times together. It was so long since we had our girly chat. We used to hang out in either my room or hers talking, making resolutions and whispering about our secret crush. *shhhh* Although Suzy never had a crush on anybody except for her husband. That was since high school. :) LOL!

Anyway, via WhatsApp, we chatted and finally we got to the part where we plan to have breakfast together. Din (Suzy's husband), was out of town so she had to bring the kids along to our date. That night, my husband told me he wanted to hit the gym, so my kids had to tag along with me. We ended up not de-stressing but became stress. LOL! Our initial plan was to have a decent breakfast and catch up at Kasturi. But when we were all buckle up in the car (we car pooled. That was a bonus because she lived just a few blocks away from me. We met at the car park and took her car).... But when we were all buckle up and ready to hit the road, I suggested that it would be nice to go some where just to enjoy. Suzy suggested the place. Not too far and not that near either. We don't want to go too far because our husbands might have to hunt us down for being away too long.

We were at The Curve at 8.45 am! That was my world earliest record in a shopping mall. We ate at O'Briens because that was the only place open.

Me & the boys!

Suzy feeding 4 kids.

Suzy walking with 4 kids.

After breakfast we decided to bring the kids to a indoor playground. RM12 per entry per kid and we can talk all we want.

Group photo!

Later, Suzy wanted to buy hair clips and hair band for Qaseh. I could only watch because I had no daughter to play dress-up with. But look whose busy looking through the girly stuff? 

I explained to Irfan, "These are for girls."

He answered, "I'm buying it for you."

I was speechless ....... ^_^ and eyes all watery. "Awe...."

Lunch at Italiannies. Starter with French Loaf.

Kiddie Meal (4): Spagetti; Mom's Dish (2): Spicy Roasted Chicken.

We departed for home at 2.30pm. On our way we made quick stops for groceries and toiletteries. Mothers will still be mothers. Even when we're on our day off, we'll still think of house chores. *sigh*

The kids were exhausted when we got home. Ikram took his nap.


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