PJs Sleepover

Hilma has a dinner party. So I offered to babysit Lana. She'll sleepover at my place. It depends on how it goes. Whether she could survive the night without her Mommy. She's still breastfeeding BTW.

My earlier question to Hilma "When is her bedtime? How does she sleep? What is her routine? How many times will she wake-up screaming in the middle of the night demanding to be fed?"

To think about it, it's like having a new baby in the house. Oh, this is gonna change my bedtime hours. I'm so comfortable with the way it is right now. No more waking up in the middle of the night. Sleeping separately from the kids. Sleeping comfortably and soundly in my own bed with my own space.

My kids have really been a good sport and trained to be independent sleepers *fingers crossed*.

My routine: At latest 10pm, I'll make Ikram's milk, tuck him in his cot, leave him in the dark with door slightly open. He'll sleep on his own time. Meanwhile I'll lay back lazily on my spacious bed, releasing the tension on my back, shoulders and neck. Irfan is more independent. When he feels sleepy he'll ask for his milk. He'll bring it to his room and sleep.

Tonight: We have company at home. Boys, please entertain Lana until she feels sleepy. So they did what Lana did.

Everyone wore PJs.
Lana played, everyone plays.
Lana wants vitagen, the boys want one each, too.
Lana ka-ka, Ikram ka-ka.
Lana wants bedtime stories, Irfan requested for his favorites too.
Lana drank milk, Irfan and Ikram drank.

 My triplets for tonight.
 "I play, you play, okay"

P/S to Hilda: Too bad Marzayyan couldn't join.


  1. Cute benor! Jeles! Fahri mmg x de la tdo sndiri n mmg 2 jam skali he demands his milk! Da la tdo lmbt... Plg awal kol 12 mlm


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