Penang Spree 5: Fear of heights yet climb Bukit Bendera

Our 2nd activity for the day was to climb Bukit Bendera. *nodding with confidence* No way! Not when we have to carry a kid each. That'll be more than impossible and it'll probably take 3 to 4 days to reach the top.

A mix of feelings filled the air, the funicular railway was scary. It was more like going up a roller-coaster ride. I felt everything around me spinning or was it my head that spins? I am afraid of heights. An acrophobia, you can call. I said to Irfan, "It's scary."

Irfan replied "You're too big to be scared. I'm not scared."

Thank you, Irfan for the motivation. It made me feel a lot better. *eye roll*

All set to go to Bukit Bendera.

The boys having their our own fun.

Stretching before we climb the Bukit Bendera.

Waiting for the tickets. It cost RM8 for the train.

The owl museum at the peak of the hill.

The boys are begging not to leave Bukit Bendera just yet. Double tantrums.

My boys. But why does one had to wear a lady's hat?

Posing at the peak.

SILs crazy about hats. Don't we look like we're touring Korea?

Looking all macho. He was pissed at me for posting this pic on FB a minute ago.

TBC in Penang Spree 6.


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